First peek out of the window - no driveway to be seen. Second peek to the radio clock - no electric power to be had.
Ok, no hot coffee to start the day either, instead one faces a couple of hours of shovelling wet snow.
If this is not an incentive to contemplate an escape to the South, what is?

The lovely view towards the ocean has turned into a lovely view of my crooked wannabe Christmas tree. Every time is snows heavily, I am afraid that it will topple downhill, as the base of the trunk is at a precarious angle, and snowy top heaviness may be the demise of this tall and bent senior citizen of tree-hood.

A Junkie contemplating where to hide next

A confused Robin eyeing the situation for potential edibles

Power back on - after I finished shovelling snow. Take advantage of it, and prepare a hot breakfast, hot coffee, hot water, hot everything.