Pup Tent
The Provincial Park is recovering from the weekend circus. Even the Park Rangers are happy to return to peace and quiet.
The over flow camping area did not only overflow with hordes of teenage (and older) campers, but night visitors from outside made things even a little more interesting. Scores of inebriated girls invaded the campground after hours, and the park rangers were busy picking them off the grass, where they sooner or later had collapsed in a stupor.
The anchorage is thinning out as well, after a few dozen boats from the Blue Water Association are heading back to Blue Water.
The Skinny Dippers are gone, the lawn chairs are gone off the Public Dock, dinghies can find a spot at the dinghy dock again. And the weather is still pleasant.

Back to Galiano Inn and the cool shady lawns adorned with comfortable easy chairs.

The brand new dock at Galiano Inn

The Reception with its stunning oil painting mosaic