On Maslov's hierarchy of needs it definitely rates at the top - self realization in the most profoundly stirring manner.....and I am saying that as a novice to the art.
I regret I did not discover Argentinian tango twenty years (or maybe more) ago.
What lies in store for me now?
For starters: Buenos Aires, the cradle of tango way back in the beginning of the twentieth century. I will be strolling the avenidas of Buenos Aires in February, and am eager already to immerse myself in poetry by Borges, music by Piazolla, lyrics by Carlos Gardel and sound of bandeons everywhere.
Experience the nostalgia which dilapidated ruins of past splendor awake, and feel the hesitant but unstoppable re-birth of Paris of South America.
Get lost amongst the crowded 'pedestrians only' streets, ride the SubTe (Subway) and catch a taste of the barrios, which range from the most exclusively wealthy to the most disturbingly poor.
Tango is not only alive and thriving in the city but is still an essential part of the soul of the city. A bus ride or walk to the barrios of San Telmo, Palermo, La Boca and Recolete or even further out, will take the patient and curious visitor beyond Tourist Tango Shows, to the hidden Milongerias, where Portenos of all ages dance with all their heart, soul, sadness, loneliness and - yes - allegria of oh-so-tragic tango, lively milonga or happy tango waltz.
Well, here we come....

This lady's expression mirrors the anguish I feel during my amateurish attempts. Not because of the effect of haunting music, but because of my protesting untrained feet and an anxiety to 'do the correct thing'. The male partner here seems to be saying: just relax, this won't hurt.
Little does he know.....

OK, we are getting a little more confidence here. I have to attend a few more 'practicas' before I could let it 'all hang out'.

I understand, this is how dancers look when they are in their tango prime, but....

After years and years and years when tango dancing mutates from mere dance into 'the meaning of life, universe and everything' some people forget to eat, drink, sleep.....
In the meantime ...
Next week will be D-Day for me. I will cast off and start my Odyssey from the area just above and to the left of the pink area on the North American landmass, where Vancouver Island is located. All that white stuff on top is the North Polar Ice Cap. All frozen water surrounded by land.

Then I head south to the most remote and pristine bit of earth there is, Antarctica, a huge continent permanently covered with an immense ice-cap, and isolated from the rest of the world by water, water and more water.

I won't penetrate to the centre - that is reserved for scientist with more guts than I have - but the ship will skirt the Antarctic Peninsular, the little white hook that extends northward to Cape Horn from the humongous white blob of land covered with ice a couple of miles thick.
Starting to get travel-fever....