People and Animals in Todos Santos, Baja California Sur
Negro, the little dog, who lives in Casa Abuela, and waits for me to bring him treats.

This lady prepared Chicken Mole beside the Mission Church during the Arts Festival 2009

A jewelry vendor advertising 'Girlfriend needed urgently' on the yellow sign

Turtle kindergarten caretaker liberating freshly hatched turles

Janet of the Tecolote Bookstore in Todos Santos

Camino Pacifico afternoon traffic

Musician at the arts festival of Todos Santos

Dressed up for a Paseo

Getting the fishgutting table ready at Punta Lobos Fishermen's Beach

A Handful of hatchling turtles

Fieldworker and her young baby on her day in town

Young girl at the Strawberry Festival in Pescadero

Playing at the Strawberry Festival in Pescadero

Euva, the most exotic person in Todos Santos

Public transport home from Punta Lobos, after a day of fishing

Cucu of Rancho Pilar manning his tienda at the Strawberry Festival

Disinterested Festival visitor

The most spectacular bigote (mustache) in all of Todos Santos

The Blind Ranchero, a wonderful man, who sometimes sat near the church, holding up his blue cup. He was so quiet, most people did not even notice him.

Corn cook off, Baja Style

Dressed up for Fiesta Fun with madre y padre y toda la familia

Ranchero Boy with dad's cowboy hat
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